Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
Install Phonebill
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Text File
261 lines
(procedure DoComplete
(set anz (+ anz 17))
(complete anz)
(complete 0)
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort wrongkickstart)
(set pbilldest
(prompt "Where do you want to have the `phonebill' drawer installed?")
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(set pbilldir (tackon pbilldest "Phonebill"))
(set @default-dest pbilldir)
(set docdir (tackon pbilldir "Documentation"))
(set configdir (tackon pbilldir "Config"))
(set catalogdir (tackon pbilldir "Catalogs"))
(set bakdir (tackon pbilldir "Backup"))
(set extype (exists pbilldir))
(if (= extype 1) (abort "There already exists a file called \"Phonebill\""))
(if (= extype 2)
(set oldvernum (getversion (tackon pbilldir "Phonebill")))
(set oldver (/ oldvernum 65536))
(set oldrev (- oldvernum (* oldver 65536) ) )
(if (= 1 (askbool (prompt "There already exists a `phonebill' drawer. "
"During installation certain files will be overwritten. "
"Do you want to create a backup (\"" bakdir "\") of the files "
"located in the `phonebill' drawer first?")
(help @askbool-help)
(working "Creating backup...")
(makedir bakdir (infos))
(makedir (tackon bakdir "Phonebill"))
(run ("copy \"%s\" \"%s\" all" (tackon pbilldir "~(Backup)") (tackon bakdir "Phonebill")))
(run ("delete \"%s\" all" (tackon pbilldir "~(Config|Backup|#?.Log|#?.Key)")))
(set oldver 0)
(set oldrev 0)
(set oldvernum 0)
(makedir pbilldir (infos))
(makedir docdir (infos))
(makedir catalogdir)
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt "Installing gtlayout.library\nCopyright © 1990-1994 Olaf Barthel")
(source "Libs/gtlayout.library")
(dest "LIBS:")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Phonebill")
(dest pbilldir)
(prompt "Installing the executable program")
(set docchoice
(prompt "There are three formats available for the documentation.")
(choices "AmigaGuide Format (required for online help)"
"TeX DVI Format (for printed manuals)"
"Plain ASCII Format")
(help @askoptions-help)
(if (<> 0 (BITAND docchoice 1))
(prompt "Installing AmigaGuide manual...")
(source "Documentation/Phonebill.guide")
(dest docdir)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(if (<> 0 (BITAND docchoice 2))
(prompt "Installing DVI manual...")
(source "Documentation/Phonebill.DVI")
(dest docdir)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(if (<> 0 (BITAND docchoice 4))
(prompt "Installing ASCII manual...")
(source "Documentation/Phonebill.doc")
(dest docdir)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(prompt "Installing registration forms...")
(source "Documentation")
(dest docdir)
(pattern "#?form")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(set installedcfg 0)
(if (exists "envarc:phonebill/phonebill.prefs")
(if (= 1 (askbool(prompt (cat "Old (pre 3.0) `phonebill' configuration files have been found in \"ENV:\" and \"ENVARC:\". "
"Starting from release 3.0, the configuration files "
"have changed from IFF format to plain ASCII text files. "
"Do you want to update these configuration files for use "
"with this release, or do you want to use "
"the default configuration files ?"
(help @askbool-help)
(choices "Update configuration" "Default configuration")
(working "Updating configuration")
(makedir configdir (infos))
(run "UpdateConfig2.x")
(run "copy config/Scanner.config t:")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(prompt "Installing the updated configuration files")
(source "T:")
(dest configdir)
(pattern "#?.config")
(set installedcfg 1)
(if (= 1 (askbool (prompt (cat "The files in \"ENV:\" and \"ENVARC:\" are no longer "
("needed. Do you want to move them to \"%s\" ?" (tackon bakdir "ENV"))
(help @askbool-help)
(working "Removing `phonebill' related files from \"ENV:\" and \"ENVARC:\"")
(if (= 0 (exists bakdir)) (makedir bakdir))
(makedir (tackon bakdir "ENV"))
(makedir (tackon bakdir "ENV/Phonebill"))
(source "ENVARC:Phonebill")
(dest (tackon bakdir "ENV/Phonebill"))
(pattern "#?.prefs")
(run "delete env:phonebill all")
(run "delete envarc:phonebill all")
(if (= installedcfg 0)
(if (= 0 (exists configdir))
(makedir configdir (infos))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(prompt "Installing the default configuration files")
(source "Config")
(dest configdir)
(message "There are a lot of rates for several countries defined in the "
"\"rates.config\" file. Each time `phonebill' is run it has to "
"read this file, which takes its time. To speed-up this process, "
"remove the rates that you don't need.")
(if (and (= oldver 3) (= oldrev 0))
(message "The configuration needs to be updated for use with this release of `phonebill'.")
(working "Updating configuration")
(run ("UpdateConfig3.0 \"%s\"" configdir))
(help @copyfiles-help)
(prompt "Installing the updated configuration files")
(source "T:")
(dest configdir)
(pattern "#?.config")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source "Config/Scanner.config")
(dest configdir)
(prompt "Installing the newest `Scanner.config'")
(help @copyfiles-help)
(prompt "Installing catalog files")
(source "Catalogs")
(dest catalogdir)
(complete 100)